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97 results by search term ""

Sustainability Project Champions as Environmental Leaders in a City Organization: Driving the Urban Circular Economy

 While the role of projects in sustainability change is widely recognized, the understanding of project managers’ behaviour in sustainability projects is limited. We examine project champions......

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Project-based practices for promoting a sustainability transition in a city organization and its urban context

 We studied a project that was working on urban circular economy to initiate sustainability change in a city. We present longitudinal participatory action research on the activities of a project......

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How do stakeholders understand sustainable circular economy - consesus or contradictions?

This study investigates how CE and its linkage to sustainability are understood among key stakeholders involved in the promotion of circular economy in Finland. This study is a part of CICAT2025......

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Visual and linguistic catalysts

The transition from a linear economy to a circular economy requires a fundamental change in our ways of working and thinking, both in business and in society. This need for change also forces us to......

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Social Entrepreneurship as a Cluster Concept: Is a Cricket Farming Start-Up a social enterprise?

This research examines social entrepreneurship in accelerating circular economy. The case company, Entocube, farms and develops farming technology for cricket farming. We examine the company with a......

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A systematic literature review of the transition to the circular economy in business organizations: Obstacles, catalysts and ambivalences

We conducted a systematic literature review of barriers and catalysts to circular economy implementation in companies. With 69 articles covering the topic, in this review, we identified clear......

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Stakeholder value creation: Legitimating business sustainability

Stakeholder cooperation and value creation are a prerequisite for sustainable circular economy and Finland’s objective to be the leading country in circular economy by the year 2025. Companies......

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Triggering sustainability communication in a B2B context: combining action research and sensemaking

This is a action research on initiating sustainability communication in a shipbuilding network. The research data consists of 16 interviews in the network. The key findings are twofold. First, we......

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Circular Economy Center: Creating a General Concept for Circular Economy Constitutions

In the thesis, a general concept for circular economy constitutions is created. The results of this study consist of the circular economy center definition, the categorization framework for centers......

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Circular economy center: a concept for sustainable innovative constitutions

Circular economy requires new business models that per se involve multiple actors. However, examination of these constitutions in the scientific literature is by so far dispersed and there does not......

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