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97 results by search term ""

Lifecycle extension of single-use medical device sensors: Case study of an engineering sustainability transition program

 We describe the processes and verification testing of a medical device engineering team (the authors) performed during their first sustainability transition project on a commercialized, single......

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Images of the future of a circular economy: The case of Finland

 The article focused on anticipating alternative futures of the circular economy in 2050 in Finland. The research is based on expert interviews, on the basis of which four different alternative......

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Understanding stakeholder influence: Lessons from a controversial megaproject

This study explores stakeholder influence in megaprojects by examining a controversial pulp mill project in Uruguay. The theoretical framework is based on stakeholder theory, focusing on stakeholder......

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Tracing the origins of sustainability change agency

In light of waning natural resources and mounting sustainability challenges, there is increasing practical as well as academic interest in how and why individuals, like you and me, can act toward a......

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Particularizing Nonhuman Nature in Stakeholder Theory: The Recognition Approach

 The focus of this article is on stakeholder theory and nonhuman stakeholders. The article examines how nonhumans, such as animals and nature, can be recognized as stakeholders. We utilize the......

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Why be a consumer when you can also be a participant and a developer?

Circular economy (CE) has only just made it into cities and the everyday lives of people. Urban residents may mistake the term for waste management, for recycling or mending of certain products, but......

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How B2B suppliers articulate customer value propositions in the circular economy?

We identified customer value proposition types that B2B firms with circular economy business models articulate based on certain value creation logics. The results help firms identify what kind of......

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Mapping and assessing technology catalysts that accelerate Circular Economy transition: multiple case study

This Master's thesis studied technology catalysts that accelerate the Circular Economy transition. The objective was to identify the readiness level of different types of technology catalysts for the......

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Defined Is Half Solved? The Regulatory Barriers for Circular Economy Business

This article identifies and examines regulatory barriers that hinder the development of the circular economy transition and argues that such barriers must be defined before they can be solved.The......

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Webinar: Ecological equals economical – a deep dive into circular business models

We are in the middle of a green transition, which brings with it multiple new business opportunities and innovative business models. Existing businesses are urged to change from linear, take – make......

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