Smart City District as a Living Lab Platform in Sustainability Transition: Nutrient Recycling in Hiedanranta

This study examines the impact of living labs in the creation process of a sustainable city district and puts emphasis on the urban governance and the activities of public and private actors.
It was researched through Hiedanranta living lab case study. In the study, nutrient recycling activities of various actors and their perspectives are examined. The study relies on qualitative research design containing interviews with key stakeholders including managers of the firms in the living lab, city development project managers from the municipality, project manager from an association, researchers who focus on nutrient recycling, and secondary data.
Findings of the study point out that in order to achieve sustainability in living labs in the cities, all the actors including researchers, equipment providers, city planners from the municipality, regulators, companies and users need each other to test solutions and contribute with their expertise, knowledge, equipment and facilities.
These results help circular economy by revealing the open innovation nature of the living labs through a case study. The transition to circular economy requires open collaboration of various types of actors, and this study acknowledges the significance of actor diversity and collaboration in value creation in living labs.
Julkaistu: The 41st R&D Management Conference, École Polytechnique (June 2019)
Tekijät: Engez, A., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., Kokko, M., Jokinen, A., Jokinen, P.
Tulosten mahdolliset hyödyntäjät: Yritykset, tutkimus- ja kehitysorganisaatiot, kaupungit ja kunnat
Tulosten hyödyntäminen:
Municipalities – Municipalities can be open to try out novel solutions and benefit from supporting innovative small and medium sized enterprises by involving them in living labs regarding the sustainable development of a city district.
Companies – Solutions and technologies of the firms would create value in the society by triggering the transition to cleaner applications, sustainable food production and practicing nutrient recycling.
Residents – Inviting citizens to the public events to hear about their innovative ideas and opinions on the sustainable solutions would be of high importance to develop and reconfigure systems according to the received feedback.
Research organizations – Research organizations can cooperate with companies, municipalities, and residents to develop sustainable solutions for increasing the resource efficiency in a city district.