CICAT2025 publishes research results in scientific publications as well as in other formats during the project.
Customer-perceived value in the circular economy: A multidimensional framework
The aim of our research was to find out, how the circular economy redefines business customers' perceptions of value and how well supplier companies understand these perceptions. We conducted a......
Domination of Managerial and Technical Frames—How the Circular Economy Is Reported in Finnish Business
We studied circular economy reporting in the Finnish companies. We used the sustainability reports of the large companies (32 companies) as data source. We noticed three points. First, the CE......
Project-based practices for promoting a sustainability transition in a city organization and its urban context
We studied a project that was working on urban circular economy to initiate sustainability change in a city. We present longitudinal participatory action research on the activities of a project......
Scientific Articles
Aarikka-Stenroos, Ranta (2019). Business catalysts for the Circular Economy innovations.
Kujala, Sachs, Leinonen, Heikkinen, Laude (2022). Stakeholder engagement: Past, present, and future.
Marjamaa, Mäkelä (2022). Images of the future of a circular economy: The case of Finland.
Sjöblom (2021). Communicating with brand names in the sustainable Finnish fashion industry.
Teerikangas, Colman (2020). Theorizing in the qualitative study of mergers & acquisitions.
Turunen, Alaranta (2021). The Role of the CJEU in Shaping the Future of the Circular Economy.
Uusikartano (2019). Circular economy center: a concept for sustainable innovative constitutions.
Doctoral Theses
Nylén (2023). Theorizing Ideological Steering : The journey of the circular economy.
Tapaninaho (2022). Stakeholder value creation in the intersection of business and sustainability.
Teerikangas, Onkila, Koistinen, Mäkelä (2021). Research handbook of sustainability agency.
Kaipainen (2020). Strategic Renewal Process Towards Sustainability – An Ecosystem Approach.
Kämäräinen (2020.) Circular economy in Finland: Perceptions from the textile industry.
Minkkinen (2023). The leadership moment in circular start-ups.
Paavilainen (2020). Inter-organizational collaboration in circular economy ecosystems.
Pohls (2020). Finnish textile ecosystem – circular economy drivers and barriers.
Saarinen (2021). Financial Drivers and Inhibitors of Circular Economy Business.
Suokas (2019). Is circular economy the new black?
Book Chapters
Mikkilä, Koistinen, Kuokkanen, Levänen, Linnanen (2020). Acceptability of operations.
Levänen, Mikkilä, Koistinen, Kuokkanen, Linnanen (2020). Emerging Markets.
Mikkilä, Koistinen, Kuokkanen, Levänen, Linnanen (2020). Acceptability of Operations.
Sachs, Kujala (2021). Stakeholder Engagement in Management Studies: Current and Future Debates.
Tapaninaho, Kujala (2019). Stakeholder value creation: Legitimating business sustainability.
Policy briefs
CICAT2025 policy brief #1 (pdf): Promoting a circular economy requires cross-silo collaboration
CICAT2025 policy brief #2 (pdf): Join the circular economy celebration!
CICAT2025 policy brief #3 (pdf): Circular economy as a success factor to cities
CICAT2025 policy brief #4 (pdf): The circular economy calls for smooth contractual practices
Visual Catalysts exhibition
Visual Catalysts exhibition brought together artists around the world to use their creative visions for catalyzing our transition to a sustainable circular economy. The exhibition took place in Tampere September 25th – October 18th, 2020. Visual Catalysts is also a 3D virtual exhibition that can be experienced from home.
Read also the the Visual Catalyst book that includes the artists’ works and articles by researchers.